Thursday, August 25, 2022

Where Do They Find These UnReal Housewives

 If I were a housewife, I would sue the creators of “Real Housewives of New York” (and New Jersey, Atlanta, DC, LA, Dubai and a soon to be announced small town version, Podunk) for slander, libel, defamation of character, and conduct unbecoming a housewife.

 These shows sully the well-earned reputations of every housewife in America. Where do they find these women? Ads on Craigslist?

 Wanted: Women who are self-absorbed, self-important, vacuous, shallow, self-centered, petty and catty. Must be mostly rich through marriage and divorce. It’s OK if you’re connected, if you catch our drift. Should spend your days getting boozed up. We’re looking for women with breast enhancements who wear tight jeans or fancy dresses with spiked heels day or night regardless of body type. Must spend most of your time planning parties with themes, going to parties with themes, and fighting at parties with themes.  Must like to argue, take sides, and talk behind friends’ backs and sometimes to their faces. Must live lives that are more soap opera than any scripted soap opera on TV. We’re looking for women who have no jobs, never clean the house or shop for groceries. Women who have socially redeeming characteristics, take up social causes, or are concerned about the economy, wars, or the human condition need not apply.

I can see finding someone who has one or two of these dubious characteristics, but all of them! And pity the poor guys unfortunate enough to be married to one of these housewives. We rarely see them as they’re probably working 8 days a week to finance the plastic surgeries and shopping sprees for new homes, new cars, clothes, and jewelry.

I think they should get their own reality show, “The Wimps Married to the Real Housewives”. And what about their children! Surely, some child protection agency should step in to keep this vicious cycle from repeating itself!

These housewives are just unreal, literally.